The Next Best Thing

Hey Friends!

We just recently officially welcomed paper cutting artist Mike Milota into fold here at Two Selves Gallery, and already he's got some amazing stuff in the works for us! He's combining some amazing artistic ingenuity with a little help from his friends to create some sick pieces that we think you're going to love. The first piece takes shape as "Starflower."

Starflower is a piece Mike originally cut back in 2011. Now, for the first time, it will be released as a high quality laser reproduction! Mike's laser reproductions accurately emulate the paper originals, and can truly enhance the way the art is seen. While we don't really understand all the technical merits of how the reproductions are made, the layman's explanation we got from from Mike's lead tech Chris provides some insight into this incredibly technical, laborious, and painstaking process.

First, each layer of Mike's work is individually photographed in high definition and imported into a limited technical software. The software deciphers the detailed cuts and curves of each layer, which are then adjusted by hand within the software to limit and eliminate any misread. Once the image is complete and cleansed, the laser is calibrated to the exact specifications for the medium being used (in this case Canson - Mi Tienes paper) to avoid burns, overcuts, tearing, and a number of other hazards of the process. Once set, the exacting laser cuts each precise curve and corner one slice at a time. When one layer is complete, the process begins anew for each subsequent layer. In the case of Starflower, 7 times over!

After all this hard work is done however, the results are absolutely stunning! Second only to buying an original work, this is the absolute closest thing any collector will get to the look and feel of Mike's original work, and emulates is the way Mike's work is truly meant to be appreciated.

More details on how to pick up one of these beauties will be reaching your mailbox in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can check out some of Mike's other work in his gallery, and we might even have a few of his originals available! Let us know if you want to talk more about Mike's work, or have thoughts on a commission piece you might enjoy. We are always here to talk art.

Much Love

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